Brucom has recently purchased and installed the new Linx White cable ink 1320, offering excellent adhesion to all types of cable.
Linx Printing Technologies have developed a specialist ink for the cable and wire market. The new Linx White cable ink 1320 offers excellent adhesion to all types of polyethylene, especially those which are darker, contradicting with the text.
As there are many different ranges of PE, it has been a challenge to find a piece of machinery for high quality printing onto cable. Typically, heat, corona or plasma are needed in order for them to adhere to the material and avoid ink defects. This is the initial treatment process of the surface, raising the surface polarity and improves adhesion. However, this means that another stage within the manufacturing process needs to be added, effecting production and delivery time.
Our new ink formulation eliminates this requirement totally. We are now able to deliver a clear code that is difficult to remove and withstands handling, rubbing and general circumstances that may have an effect on the quality of the print.
The Linx 1320 is specifically designed for continual, reliable coding with pigmented inks. In addition the printer does not need mechanical stirrers or factory air, keeping cost and maintenance to a minimum.
With this facility, we can now offer our customers custom made products, branded to suit them. By using our new cable printer we can add a simple word, tagline or even email address to your cable. The effect of this is highly effective, raising your brand awareness to a wider, specific audience.
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