Just some of our recent projects that Brucom have been working on.

High Performance Road Legal / Off-Road Buggies
We have recently been approached by a client that requires a wiring solution that can be easily installed to their road legal and off-road buggies.
Our engineers have designed a modular plug & play wiring kit that can be installed very easily and quickly, reducing the bottlenecking that occurs through this part of the clients manufacturing process.

Traffic Management
We have an on-going relationship throughout our markets each year. Recently we have been working on expanding our input within the
traffic management systems in lorries and trucks. We manufacture the wiring looms for monitors, camera's and control boxes for many well known dumper trucks, to make transporting loose material for construction, a safe task.

Sunseeker Yachts
We have recently worked on many of the Sunseeker yachts, providing a full suite of electrics, from power cable systems to starter motor leads and battery cables. The selection of appropriate materials is critically important here, as the environmental conditions can be so extreme.