Brucom Wiring Harness manufacture vehicle charging systems to recharge the vehicle auxiliary battery system, of which provides power to the on-board equipment within the services market. Brucom specialise in vehicle wiring systems with the ambition to redesign and manufacture for improved results. With the use of in-house equipment, such as a CNC, vacuum form and cable cutting machines, this bomb proof power distribution unit was easily manufactured to exceed the expectations of our customer, Babcock Macneillie.
Previously, a 230V input socket was based underneath vehicles, which is then passed through an Isolation Transformer before the power reaches the charger. The charger would then be used to charge vehicles overnight or when possible, but due to the complexity and cost of this conversion, a re-design was needed so that this was no longer the case. With this new design, vehicles can be left on charge without supervision, throughout the day, at any location. The improved design sits underneath the vehicle whilst on charge, with no 230v input socket needed under the vehicle body. Instead, within the case is a 230v input and a 12v output, of which is labelled and instructed within the lid for guidance. With a residual current device for safety, this product guarantees safe and secure connection with minimal management, made to British Standards, BS 7671 IEE Wiring Regulations, Health and Safety at Work Acts and Electricity at Work Regulations.